ks logs

ks logs

Shows activity logs for the current project


Shows activity logs for the current project. This functionnality requires a paid plan:

ks orga upgrade <your-organization>

ks logs [flags]


ks logs

# The last time a user sent secrets or files on the prod environment
ks log -a WriteMessages -l 1 -e prod


  -a, --action string        Comma separated list of actions to display
  -e, --environment string   Comma separated list of environments to display
  -h, --help                 help for logs
  -l, --limit uint           Maximum number of logs to display (default 200)
  -u, --user string          Comma separated list of users to display

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/keystone/keystone.yaml)
      --debug           debug output
      --env string      environment to use instead of the current one
  -q, --quiet           make the output machine readable
  -s, --skip            skip prompts and use default


  • ks - A safe system for developers to store, share and use secrets.
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 12-Jan-2023

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