CI/CD Integration

You can easily setup keystone to work with your current CI/CD pipelines using ks ci add. Read on to configure the supported services.

GitHub actions

To integrate Keystone with GitHub actions you will need a Personal Access Token with repo access. See GitHub’s documentation on Creating a personal access tokens.


To setup and send your secrets to your repo type the following command, and choose GitHub CI as a CI service:

ks ci add

You’ll be asked the repo URL, and the Personal Access Token.

Update secrets and files on GitHub repo

ks ci send --env prod

This will create secrets on GitHub’s side to be used by the Keystone GitHub action.

Add the Keystone GitHub action to your workflow

In your workflow file, after the checkout action add the following step:

 - name: Load Secrets
        uses: wearedevx/keystone-action
        id: load_secrets
          keystone_slot_1: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_PROD_SLOT_1 }}
          keystone_slot_2: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_PROD_SLOT_2 }}
          keystone_slot_3: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_PROD_SLOT_3 }}
          keystone_slot_4: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_PROD_SLOT_4 }}
          keystone_slot_5: ${{ secrets.KEYSTONE_PROD_SLOT_5 }}

This will load all secrets as environment variables and can be used as such in scripts, or via ${{ env.SECRET_NAME }}.

Files managed by Keystone are written to the job’s container disk and are accessible under the same path you used when adding them to Keystone.


To integrate Keystone with your GitLab pipelines, you will need a Personal Access Token. See GitLab’s documentation on Create a ppersonal access token


To setup and send your secrets to your repo type the following command, and choose GitLab CI as a CI service:

ks ci add

You’ll be asked the base URL (defaults to, the project name, and the Personal Access Token.

Update secrets and files on GitHub repo

ks ci send --env prod

This will create secrets as project variables on GitLab’s side to be use by your pipelines. The environment specified with the --env flag will be used as environment scope. If the environment does not exist on your GitLab server, it will be created.

Using files

If you manage secret files with Keystone, the ks ci send command will output a before_script configuration to insert in your gitlab-ci.yaml, like:

    - mkdir -p path/to/a/secret/file
    - echo "$SECRET_FILE_VARIABLE" | base64 -d > path/to/a/sercret/file/whispers.txt

This will create the files with their secret content on your gitlab runner


For other CI services, it is possible to produce an archive that can be used with a small script.


To setup and use this generic solution, type the following command and choose Generic CI as Ci service:

ks ci add

Getting the archive

ks ci send --env prod

This is will create an archive containing only the secrets and files from the specified environment.

Using the archive

Upload the archive to your CI runner, and run the following script at the very beginning of your CI job:

# extract and remove the archive
tar -zxvf keystone.tar.gz; rm keystone.tar.gz;
# source the dotenv file
set -o allexport; source .keystone/cache/$ks_environment/.env; set +o allexport;
# move the files in the cache
if [ "$(ls -A .keystone/cache/$ks_environment/files/*)" ]; then
	cp -r .keystone/cache/$ks_environment/files/* ./;

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